
How to uninstall go launcher z samsung galaxy note 5
How to uninstall go launcher z samsung galaxy note 5

  1. #How to uninstall go launcher z samsung galaxy note 5 how to#
  2. #How to uninstall go launcher z samsung galaxy note 5 apk#

#How to uninstall go launcher z samsung galaxy note 5 apk#

You can find the APK package name for any app by simply opening the app page in the Play Store in a desktop browser. Then, perform one of the below commands according to your need.Īdb shell pm list packages | grep 'samsung'Īdb shell pm list packages Way 2. Open the command prompt (CMD) or PowerShell on a computer, enable USB Debugging on your Samsung phone or tablet, and connect your device to the computer.

#How to uninstall go launcher z samsung galaxy note 5 how to#

If this article fails to catch up the space of bloatware updating, how can you get the newest list of Samsung bloatware?Īlso, for different Samsung devices, the list of bloatware is unlike, how to find your bloatware list? There are 3 ways. Yet, as times goes by, more new bloatware will be added into Samsung phones. The above lists of Samsung bloatware safe to remove is currently complete.

  • microsoft.skydrive | Microsoft OneDrive.
  • | Edge panel plugin for Samsung Internet.
  • samsung.attvvm | Samsung AT&T Visual Voicemail.
  • android.wallpapercropper | Wallpaper cropping feature.
  • android.wallpaperbackup | Wallpaper backup feature.
  • android.statementservice | Checks APK files.
  • android.printspooler | Printing service.
  • android.cellbroadcastreceiver | Cell broadcasting.
  • android.bookmarkprovider | Bookmark Provider.
  • android.bips | Default Printing Service.
  • samsung.storyservice | Samsung StoryService (Tracks device activity).
  • samsung.safetyinformation | Saftey Information.
  • mobeam.barcodeService | Barcode scanner.
  • Read More Samsung General System Bloatware
  • (sensitive: may cause boot loop on some devices).
  • For some functional apps, once you uninstall them, to ensure your normal use of the device, you have to install third-party alternatives, such as Samsung Keyboard.
  • Below lists include some essential system apps that must be removed or disabled carefully.
  • You as a single user don’t have all of the following bloatware.
  • Below apps are found on the Galaxy S9, S10, S20, Note 10, and Note 20 with most of them are common on all Galaxy phones and tablets of Samsung.

  • How to uninstall go launcher z samsung galaxy note 5